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Pretty Much All of us Have Heard The Saying: Jack of All Trades, Master of None
Basically the idea is that if you’re good at a bunch of different things, then you’ll never be reallllyyyy good at any one particular thing and this is going to somehow hold you back on your journey towards whatever goal you have.

And in some cases, this is true.
  • You want your heart surgeon or brain surgeon to be an expert in their field
  • You want your plumber or electrician to be an expert so they don’t destroy your home
  • You want your tattoo artist to be amazing at a particular style of art so you don’t end up with something terrible that’s permanently on your body
But just because this is true sometimes, doesn’t mean it’s true all the time.

That’s why the REAL saying goes...
Jack of All Trades is a Master of None, But Oftentimes Better Than a Master of One"
And believe it or not, this saying is perfect when it comes to getting in shape.

Cause most people look at fitness as a one-dimensional thing…

They set a goal to lose fat or build muscle, they look online to see what catches their eye the most, and most people end up only doing 2 things…

They’ll lift weights or do calisthenics & they’ll run. That’s it.

And if you’ve done this or you’re currently doing this, don’t feel bad because I did the exact same thing at one point.

When I was super out of shape and first getting back into working out, all I was really doing was calisthenics, lifting weights, hiit workouts in my room, and going for runs.

And I got some amazing results from doing this because at the end of the day, it all works, right?
The reason so many people tend to do this is because they’re effective at getting your body to LOOK a certain way but that’s not what fitness is all about and this is something I had to learn the hard way.

Yes, I looked great. I had a six pack, I was shredded, striations were showing on all my muscles, I was doing photoshoots, getting more attention from women, all of that good stuff.

But then I destroyed my shoulder while attempting some handstands and was stuck in rehab for a few months while I lost all my gains.
This Forced Me to Rethink Everything I Knew About Fitness Because Obviously Vanity Muscles & Strength Aren't Enough To Keep Your Body Healthy & Stable
So I started doing more research and even asking my physical therapists some questions about what I was doing wrong and this is when it dawned on me that being one dimensional with fitness isn’t natural at all.

For years, humans have been doing all sorts of different movements with their bodies and that’s what our bones, muscles, lungs, hearts, and ligaments have adapted to.
Our bodies want to sprint, twist, lunge, lift, jog, swim, stretch, bend, jump… ALL OF IT!
And when all you’re doing is lifting weights and running from time to time, you’re only giving it 2 of those necessary things on a daily basis.

This is perfect for looking a certain way but not great for making sure you have a healthy body as you age.
This is Why I’ve Been Adding So Much More Variety To My Workouts
This has been the key for me to keep my body healthy, mobile, and STILL looking good. I’ve been calling it a "Hybrid Style" of working out since you’re doing a little bit of everything.

You might not necessarily achieve a crazy big bodybuilder physique by working out this way, but if you want to be a 80 year old man who doesn’t need help walking up the stairs or picking something up off the ground, then THIS is going to be the style of working out that you want to be doing and I want to help you do it!
I’ll show you exactly how to do this style of working out and it’s not going to just be for show either!
Hybrid Theory Explained
Sometimes, when you don't understand how something works, it can make you not actually want to do it.

You'll think: "This is pointless. How is this even supposed to help?"

But nothing in this workout program is pointless and all of it will surely help.

This is the part of the course that will explain all of it to you.
Hybrid Theory For Muscle
If you want to build muscle, you're going to have to approach your workouts differently so I've included instructions on exactly how to do this.

I'll be giving you the reps, sets, rest times that you need to be doing and on top of this...

I'll even give you different variations for the exercises so you can follow along no matter what skill level you're at. (Beginner intermediate, and advanced).
3 Month Workout Calendar
"Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."

A big reason why so many people can't manage to see results or stay consistent is because they're just winging it most of the time.

But if you're just doing random stuff with no set plan, you're going to get random results.

So I'm going to give you a workout program to follow. (Perfect for all skill levels).
The Hybrid Theory Vlog
This isn't going to be a program where the instructor is in great shape before the program even starts.

Instead, I'm showing my own personal journey following this program after going a little too ham during con season and wanting to get ready for a photoshoot.

This vlog series will be undeniable proof that this workout program works but I also made sure to make this is educational and motivational.
Hybrid Eating
Dieting is the part of fitness that tends to give people the most problems but is also the most important part.

You can workout every single day for the rest of your life but if you eat garbage every day then you can still be out of shape and cause yourself health problems down the line.

So I made sure to inlcude a segment in this program where I'll show you exactly what I'm eating throughout my use of this program so you can mimic what I'm doing for yourself.

No guessing games.
One Time Charge of $67 - Lifetime Access!
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Once You Start This Program, you’ll finally get all the benefits from working out that you always hear people talking about
  • You’ll have a lot more energy throughout the day
  • Your testosterone will naturally increase
  • You’ll become more disciplined in other areas of your life
  • You’ll feel yourself becoming happier
  • ​You’ll have more confidence in yourself
  • ​You’ll get an amazing looking body
  • ​You’ll be so much healthier
  • Your joint strength will last well into old age
  • ​You’ll decrease feelings anxiety
  • You’ll get much better sleep
  • ​And on and on and on
One Time Charge of $67 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
Plus, I Decided to Add 3 Free Fast Action Bonuses!
Bonus #1: These Chicks Don’t Even Know My Band
Valued at $53
Resistance bands are an incredible tool for your fitness arsenal.

You get to really work those stabilzer muscles and rehabs your joints. This is what prevents you from getting injured.

And this is why I'm including this with your course for Free!

I want you to stay healthy and get all the gains without being held back by pesky injuries.
Bonus #2: Yoga Relief
Valued at $197
Another very common way for people to get injured is from a lack of flexibility.

Your hamstrings will get tight and it will be hard for you to squat properly.

Your sholders can get tight and strain when you're doing shoulder presses.

The list goes on and on but the cure, is Yoga. So enjoy this Free bonus where I take you through a Yoga routine that you'll be doing a couple of times a week.
Bonus #3: Supplement Guide
Valued at $25
Supplements are another great fitness tool that can be used to boost your results. (Kinda like the mushroom in mario).

You will use this Free bonus to gain knowledge on the most effective supplements out there.

And with all these different supplements that claim that they will help you build muscle faster or help you recover faster...

This will help you find out which ones are actually worth your time.
Bonus #4: Walking With Jax
Valued at $25
Low Intensity Steady State cardio is the best form of cardio out there for 2 reasons.

1. It's low impact so you don't take a huge shot to your Central Nervous System from doing it.

2. It boosts your metabolism and will have you buring fat hours after you're done!

So take this Free Audio Book to listen to while you're doing your fat burning walks.
All Together, This Course and The Free Bonuses are Valued at $697
But if you get the program right here and now, you can have it for just $67!
One Time Charge of $67 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
Only thing is, don’t sign up if you aren’t going to take this seriously
People are constantly losing their lives because of heart disease or a weakened immune system and in most cases it was totally avoidable.

The ones that happen to survive are the ones who have to live the rest of their lives on medication because they’re battling diabetes or some other preventable disease that a lot of old people tend to have...
  • Back problems
  • ​Hip problems
  • Knee problems
  • ​Heart problems
  • ​Lung problems
  • ​Etc
All of it is avoidable if they just used their youth more wisely by just focusing more on moving their body and being more conscious of what they were eating
But at that point, they’ve already done so much damage. Don’t make that mistake and make your later years torture.

Instead, use the Hybrid Theory program to take control of your health and look drop dead gorgeous in the process.

So, if you really are ready to make a change, go ahead and hit the button below to sign up.
One Time Charge of $67 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
You Also Get a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
I want to give you a full 30 days to examine and test this program out risk free!

If at any point you don't like the way this program is changing your life for the better then all you have to do is send me an email...

...You'll be taken care of as soon as possible and we'll happily give you your money back.

No hard feelings.
One Time Charge of $67 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
So what are you waiting for?
A sign?

The “right time"?

Well consider this the sign AND the right time.

Because the secret is, there is no “right time” to start taking care of yourself and hitting your goals.

As the saying goes…
“The Best Time to Plant a Tree Was 20 Years Ago, the Second Best Time is Today.”
Click Below to get instant access to the Hybrid Theory Workout Program for just $697 $67!
One Time Charge of $67 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!
*Results Vary From Person To Person*
Customer Service: theprojectdeku@gmail.com
Copyright © - JaxBlade Fitness LLC